This is a picture of some of the members of the congregation talking in the great support of community

Team Kindness provides services to congregants that are short-term and non-emergent in nature. Team Kindness offers a joyful heart and a helping hand in smaller moments of need.

Lay Pastoral Care can offer sustained personal support for those enduring circumstances such as: Grief, Illness, Injury, Disability, Marital changes, Unemployment, Relocation, Caregiving, Isolation, and Inability to attend church.

Caregivers Support GroupThis is a black shadow image of two people walking together, holding each other up; the person on the right is holding a walking cane.: Caring for a loved one with chronic conditions, disabilities, diseases, or the frailties of old age is both rewarding and challenging.

Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) is an initiative that was started to geographically link the members of our congregation by neighborhoods to develop friendship and support for one another in a small group setting.

A circular graphic with a Blue crab holding a blue flame in the right claw; inner ring, above the the crab in blue letters: TIDEWATER CLUSTER; in blue letters below the crab: Unitarian Universalists in Virginia; outer ring in letters: GLEN ALLEN - NEWPORT NEWS - RICHMOND - VIRGINIA BEACH - WHITESTONE -WILLIAMSBURG - FREDERICKSBURG


The Tidewater Cluster Gathering provides members of seven UU congregations in the Tidewater region the opportunity to come together to share a day of worship, learning, fellowship, and inspiration.



Ian M. Finlayson, a balding older man with glasses near the end of the bridge of his nose; wearing a pin-striped shirt; and Kathleen VanPaaschen, on older woman with gold-brown hair; wearing glasses at the top of her nose. Both people are against a grey background.
Ian M. Finlayson and Kathleen VanPaaschen


The Ian M. Finlayson Volunteer Service Award is given quarterly to a church member who has made outstanding volunteer contributions to the church over a sustained period of time and/or through a special project of great significance.






Graphic picture: With an orange outside circular rim; No Nuts No Peanuts in white lettering against a red background; graphic peanut and walnut with a line through both.



Years ago we became a nut-free building, and we need to remind ourselves of that, for the safety of all who come here.



We reach out to our larger community by adopting a homeless shelterpartnering with Cardinal Elementary School during the school year and through special projects during the holidays.

We educate each other on the importance of cybersecurity and highlight security best practices.

And most of all, we are a Beloved Community that agrees to follow these courtesies.