Our Share The Plate recipient for October is Chesterfield CASA.

Our Share the Plate recipient for
September is Richmond Peace Education Center


An important way in which the 1st Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond and its members and friends participate in community outreach is Share the Plate (STP).  A core value of the congregation is being engaged and making a positive difference in the larger community.

Each Sunday’s offering for a full month (that is not specifically designated for other purposes) is equally divided between the church itself and an organization that merits support.  This could be a Richmond-area community organization, a Unitarian-Universalist group, another religiously-affiliated group, or a secular worthy cause. Generally, no organization can be a beneficiary more than once in three years.

Below you will find a nomination form for interested members and friends to suggest worthy recipient organizations and groups.  The STP committee welcomes such nominations; it carefully vets nominees and selects those it finds most deserving.

The current STP committee is composed of Committee Chair Denise Rimes, Tamara Smith, Dee DeRoche, Drew Fridley, and Louise Werner, actively advised by the Reverend Sherman Z. Logan, Jr.  The Committee can be reached by email at


Share the Plate nominations can be made to any committee member by e-mail, in paper form, or in person using the forms found here.