This is an illustration of three green recycling arrows.

Saturday, April 19, 2025

10 AM – 2 PM

donations must be dropped off by noon

First UU Church of Richmond

1000 Blanton Ave

Bring items that no longer serve you

Take what you need

No donation required

This is an illustration of three box sizes: Infant 0-3, Men's Large, Women's Small

Please sort clothing by size and place in a box separate from other items. Label box with size. Examples: Infant 0-3, Men’s Large, and Women’s Small.

Please do NOT Bring

This is an illustration of a green frown emoji with black eyes and mouth.

  • broken items
  • food items
  • expired cosmetics/beauty products
  • stained clothing

items too large to be transported home in a car (leave a photo and contact information instead!)