Challenges come our way in life. Some are pretty manageable. Others leave us feeling very alone and overwhelmed, or, demand great contemplation. Lay Pastoral Care can offer sustained personal support for those enduring circumstances such as:

  • Grief
  • Illness
  • Injury
  • Disability
  • Marital changes
  • Unemployment
  • Relocation
  • Caregiving
  • Isolation
  • Inability to attend church

Our senior minister trains and commissions the Lay Pastoral Care Associates to provide an ongoing, caring, listening presence; spiritual support; and hope in times of need. This program exemplifies part of our congregation’s mission statement – We care, in support of community.

How can I receive Lay Pastoral Care?

Call Rev. Amy Russell at 804-355-0777 or 937-422-7259.
If that is not available to you, or it is outside of church hours, email us at This support is available to members and friends of the congregation, is offered under the supervision of our senior minister with strict confidentiality, and there are no fees.

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