Holiday Celebrations
Special Holidays and Events
Here’s a listing of some of the holidays and events we celebrate throughout the year. Check the Events Calendar or Worships Descriptions page for specific date(s) and time(s)
New Year’s Service – first Sunday of the year
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Black History Month
National Black HIV/AIDs Awareness Day – 1st Wednesday of the month
Women’s History Month
RISC Nehemiah Action (off-site)
Transgender Day of Visibility on the 31st
Flower Communion Sunday (sometimes happens in May) – Please bring a flower from your yard, a store, the roadside, or elsewhere to share in our lovely yearly ritual. For the Flower Communion, everyone brings a flower. Some people bring extra. All the flowers are gathered together and blessed. The flowers are a symbol for the congregation: Each one is unique, and all have a place in one big beautiful bouquet.
Day of (No) Silence on the 4th
Earth Day Buy Nothing Event – No donation is required to participate – take what you need, leave what you don’t. This is such a great way to practice ways outside of capitalism. Drop off items that no longer serve you and take home some that might!
Earth Day Service – Our 7th principle recognizes our part in the “interdependent web of life.” As we celebrate Earth Day, just what does that mean, and how do we act upon it in our lives?
Lesbian Visibility Day on the 26th
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month
Mother’s Day
International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia on the 17th
Bridging Service – We honor our graduating high school seniors, thank them for all they have brought to our community as they grew up amongst us, and bless them as they move into the next chapter of their lives.
Congregational Annual Meeting
Pulse Night of Remembrance on the 12th
Father’s Day
Stonewall Riots Anniversary on the 28th
Church open for worship only, all meetings off site
Church open for worship only, all meetings off site
Hispanic American Heritage Month
Water Sharing Service – Bring a bit of water from a place that is important to you to share in the commingled waters of the community. For water communion, people bring small amounts of water they have collected. One at a time, everyone pours their water into one huge bowl which is placed in the front of the sanctuary. Sometimes waters are poured in silently; sometimes people tell where their water came from.
Homecoming Picnic
Richmond Pride Festival
Celebrate Bisexuality Day on the 23rd
Global Diversity Awareness Month
LGBT History Month
National Coming Out Day on the 11th
Intersex Awareness Day on the 26th
Day of Remembrance Service – In honoring the traditions from many cultures around the world, Dia de los Muertos, All Saints Day, and Samhain, we will be honoring those people we have lost over the past year and anyone in the past that we’re still remembering
Native American Heritage Month
Veteran’s Day
Transgender Day of Remembrance on the 20th
Thanksgiving Potluck
Black Friday Buy Nothing Event – No donation is required to participate – take what you need, leave what you don’t. This is such a great way to practice ways outside of capitalism. Drop off items that no longer serve you and take home some that might!
World AIDS Day on the 1st

First UU QUUilters Bazaar
Holiday Messages for Incarcerated UU’s with
Mitten Tree to Support CARITAS – a long tradition of supporting those in need during the holiday season in our greater Richmond community.
Holiday Carol Singalong
Winter Solstice Pageant
Christmas Eve Service – Lessons, Carols, Cookies, and Cocoa: Please bring cookies to share
Kwanzaa Service