TUUTTI (orchestral) Rehearsal, Sundays at 11:30am
HOUUSE BAND (jazz and rock), Sundays at 4pm
These groups practice weekly on Sundays, and will play services periodically, offering up anything from hymn accompaniment to featured special music selections. |
First UU Huumanists – 1st Sundays at 11:15am
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. All are welcome whether you have been a humanist all your life or are interested in learning about us. We meet first Sundays at 11:15, just after worship. |
First UUs in Support of Indigenous Peoples, 2nd Sundays at 11:15 am
Please join First UUs in Support of Indigenous Peoples (FUUSIP) after service to continue our individual and collective education to witness to and begin to address Indigenous erasure. We work to find ways to raise awareness and educate ourselves about the injustices inflicted on Indigenous peoples and find meaningful ways to give back based on the needs expressed by Virginia tribes. Contact FUUSIP@gmail.com with questions or comments. We look forward to seeing you then!
YoUUng Adult Group, 2nd Sundays at Noon
Our YoUUng Adult Group is a group in their 20’s and 30’s that enjoy socializing, supporting one another on life’s journey, spiritually exploring together, and having fun. This group meets at noon after worship on 2nd Sundays and occasionally plans other group activities. Bring your brown-bag lunch and get to know some other “YoUUngish” UU’s! Interested? |
Buddhist Meditation Group, Mondays at 1 pm
The Buddhist Meditation group is a drop in group that meets Mondays at 1 pm. We meet in the basement classroom. We have a 20-minute silent meditation, followed by a 10-minute walking meditation, then a short chanting session, and ending with a 15 minute seated meditation. Please be ready to start promptly at 1 pm. Click here for the zoom link. |
Richmond Meditation Circle, Mondays at 7pm
Since 2018, the Richmond Meditation Circle has gathered weekly to meditate and discuss spiritual seeking with a focus on the Law of One philosophy. The Circle is an inclusive and diverse group that only asks participants to be respectful, supportive, and open-minded in our work to build harmony through self-inquiry, contact with our deeper intelligence, and service to others. We meet in Multipurpose Room 3 (Lower Level) for a meditation and discussion lasting about an hour. For more information, contact Jeremy Weiland and visit our website. |
Jewish Lives of UU – 2nd Mondays, 6:30 pm
Whether you have a Jewish background or not, are you interested in learning about one of the world’s oldest religions? We discuss Jewish holidays, traditions, and culture – and examine how they can relate to life and practice at First UU. Our meetings include Zoom discussions and in-person gatherings for special outings and events. |
UU Writers Group – 2nd & 4th Mondays
If you are a writer, whether poet or playwright, short stories or multi-tomed epics, or anything in between, the UU Writers Group invites you to join them, 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. |
Women’s Wisdom Circle 1.0 and 2.0 – 2nd Mondays, 1pm & 1st Thursdays, 7pm
We are women sharing life lessons learned, growing in wisdom and friendship. We come together on a regular basis. Sometimes in person, sometimes on Zoom. We sit in circle and we share these life lessons. We listen deeply to each other’s offerings of wisdom. We open our hearts in love and acceptance of each woman’s journey. We grow in wisdom and in friendship.
Morning Walks & Talks, Tuesdays and Fridays at 9am
Looking for a way to get some fresh air and exercise? Come to the church courtyard Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 am. Pair up with another church member to stroll stroll around the Byrd Park track across from the church. The track is one mile long, a packed sand course, with gentle inclines. There are opportunities for additional exercises along the way. We’ll walk in pairs and you can go around as many times as you like. Children are welcome, too. |
Mindful Moments, Tuesdays at Noon
Join Rev. Amy for a time of meditation, mindfulness and discussion via this Zoom link. The time will include a 15 minute silent or guided meditation, a reading or sharing of a topic around mindfulness and a discussion.
Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship, 1st Tuesdays at 6pm
As progressive Christians, we celebrate the life and teachings of the 1st century Jesus of Nazareth. Ours is an evolutionary faith that is more interested in behavior than beliefs, compassion than creeds and mystery than absolutes. If you want to explore the questions of faith and to safely share life’s journey with those who have similar interests, check us out. We meet every 1st Tuesday at 6:00 pm, and you can join us at this Zoom link. We look forward to future possibilities for resuming in-person gatherings. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome!
NEW! Aging Minds Support Group, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 2 pm
Aging Minds Support Group is a group for people who have concerns about their memory or have been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment. The group members will share their concerns, feelings and experiences, as well as helpful resources. We will meet on the first and third Tuesdays, 2:00pm – 3:30pm in-person at the church as well as by zoom, starting on Feb. 4.
First UU Ukestra, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7pm
Join us on 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 7 pm for music and fun! Standards, folk, rock, punk, novelty, or country – you can play it on the ukulele. Did you know the Guinness book of records ranks ukulele the easiest instrument to learn? Beginners are welcome, encouraged, and supported. At each session we’ll jam on several songs, work on a couple of pieces so we can build a performance repertoire, and give anyone who wants a chance to share a solo – never any pressure! |
Daytimers – 2nd Wednesdays at 11 am
Daytimers, a group of those available during the day, meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month for a program. Next Daytimers is on Wednesday, February 12, and what better way to celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birth but by meeting noted Abe Lincoln scholar Jack Schuler who has written a book on the humor of our 16th president.
Please join us at 11 for what should be a fun and informative program. Bring a bag lunch and if you like, a dessert to share
Caregivers Support Group, 2nd Wednesdays
Caring for a loved one with chronic conditions, disabilities, diseases, or the frailties of old age is both rewarding and challenging. If you are a caregiver who could benefit from connecting with other caregivers to offer mutual support, please join us on the second Wednesday of the month from 7 – 8 pm. Ministerial intern Kirstin Fritz will facilitate the group as you share your experiences as a caregiver and explore your feelings, concerns, and ways of coping.
M2 – Men’s Meeting Discussion Group, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 7pm
The M2 Mission: We meet to provide friendship and support to each other to help us grow and evolve as individuals and as a community. We strive to become men with a strong inner sense of who we truly are so that we can express this with others and in our actions. By sharing this journey with other men, we endeavor to support each other on our path and thrive in a changing world.
Rainbow Chalice – 3rd Wednesdays
Acknowledging, Supporting and Celebrating our UU LGBTQIA+ Community
We meet monthly from 6-7:30pm, and additionally will gather for special events. All are welcome! Email rainbowchalice@richmonduu.org for more information and to learn if the group is meeting.
Our PURPOSE is to create a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community that goes beyond acceptance and uses UU’s unique theology of love, radical hospitality and transformation to uplift and give us a place, a voice, visibility and a place at the table. |
Women’s Wisdom Circle 1.0 and 2.0 – 2nd Mondays, 1pm & 1st Thursdays, 7pm
We are women sharing life lessons learned, growing in wisdom and friendship. We come together on a regular basis. Sometimes in person, sometimes on Zoom. We sit in circle and we share these life lessons. We listen deeply to each other’s offerings of wisdom. We open our hearts in love and acceptance of each woman’s journey. We grow in wisdom and in friendship.
Ewe Ewe Knitters, 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30pm
Ewe Ewe Knitters is a group of people who like yarn; it includes knitting and crochet learners and tutors as well as yarn collectors. We meet in Alcove B on 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Zoom enables those who want to join in from home. It’s a perfect time for newcomers to join in the fun of being excitedly in person or to watch on Zoom!
Richmond Audubon Society – 3rd Thursdays at 6 pm
Richmond Audubon Society (RAS) is a chapter of the National Audubon Society (NAS), dedicated to the observation and conservation of birds and other wildlife.
Our members participate in local conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and monitoring of applicable legislation. RAS is a diverse group of people from various backgrounds, interests and birding experience levels, active in citizen science projects, education, and outreach. Membership is not required to attend these monthly presentations. |
UU YOGA with BETH – Saturdays 10:30 am
Join Beth Bishop Kimbriel and other UUs for 45 minutes of yoga in a supportive atmosphere. We meet live via Zoom each Saturday morning, so there is no need to leave your house! Classes are taught for all levels of experience and ability. Newcomers are heartily welcomed.
Each class is 45 minutes long. Our upcoming rotation of classes:
To see class descriptions visit https://momence.com/u/yoganplace and scroll down the regular weekday schedule.
To schedule yourself for class, go to the Momence link above, scroll down to the Saturday class, and use discount code UUYOGA for your free ticket each week.
Register before 9:30 each Friday night.
Sign up for my free newsletter at https://linktr.ee/Yoga_N_Place to get schedule changes, yoga tips, yoga philosophy, and more.

QUUilters – 2nd Saturdays, 9:30 am
Quuilters’ creations benefit those who need comfort and warmth in the church and the wider community. At our monthly Saturday morning sessions, we work on shared projects, plan church fund-raising activities and charitable contributions, and share our personal quilt projects. New members and visitors are welcome.
Shady Grove Coffee House at UUCC
The Shady Grove Coffeehouse folk music concert series continues its 23rd season.
What: The Honey Dewdrops at the Shady Grove Coffeehouse
Where: The Unitarian Universalist Community Church, 11105 Cauthorne Road, Glen Allen, VA 23059
When: Saturday, February 1, 2025, 8:00 PM; doors open at 7:30 PM
Admission: $20 advance; $25 door; children 12 and under admitted free of charge; teens 13-18 admitted at half price; click here for tickets.
Information: (804) 323-4288, www.shadygrovecoffeehouse.com, or info@shadygrovecoffeehouse.com
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