March 2025

Please join us this Sunday, 3/16 for FLAME Activities at 10am! Our Soul Matters theme for March is Trust and this Sunday’s lesson is Trusting Others. Our stories, games, and activities will center around strengthening trust in each other and our community. Our 7/8th grade OWL group will have their nineteenth workshop on Sexually Transmitted Infections. 

Our Nursery is available during worship service for babies and toddlers up to age 3.5.

Youth Group meets this Sunday during service for snacks, conversation, and their March service project. They will be assembling period supply packs for Period RVA, a local nonprofit. You can sign up to contribute here with SignUp Genius!

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February 2025

We offer enriching programs for all of us, from our youngest to our young-at-heart. First UU supports and nurtures our young people as they explore and deepen their personal faith. Relationships and connection are the primary focus, with much opportunity for deepening our understanding of Unitarian Universalism.

Contact: Leigh Ann Luscan, or faithformation (at) richmonduu (dot) org

The multigenerational service usually happens on the first Sunday of the month. This month:

Sunday, February 2, 2025 | MultiGenerational Child Dedication Service | Offered by Reverend Sherman and Leigh Ann Luscan:

Reverend Sherman and Leigh Ann Luscan will lead our annual ritual of welcoming new children and families as the congregation makes a commitment to their spiritual care and support. If you have welcomed a child this past year or your child has not been previously dedicated and you would like to participate, please reach out to Leigh Ann Luscan.

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Here is what you can expect for each age group:

  • PreK–1st Grade and 2nd–4th Grade

Will be using the Soul Matters curriculum with the same monthly themes we are using in worship service. Within the container of our UU rituals, our youngest members have a chance to ask big questions, guided by trusted adults, learning from each other.

  • 5th–6th Grade

Will be finishing up Our Whole Lives, a lifespan human sexuality education curriculum developed in partnership between the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. This has been a ten-workshop series that began in September. This group will begin the Soul Matters Middle School curriculum in the new year.

  • 7th–9th Grade

Will also be using Our Whole Lives, though for this level, it is a 25-session program that spans the entire academic year, from September through May. They will explore such topics as the language of sexuality, anatomy and physiology, gender identity, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, health communication and boundaries, all rooted in our values and principles.

  • 10th–12th Grade

Our Youth Group students have space to meet with their Youth Advisors every Sunday, frequently engaging in a service-oriented project and connecting through games. In December, our youth will be helping to receive and organize donations for this year’s Mitten Tree, the recipients of which will be the residents of the Healing Place at Caritas.

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February Happenings
Soul Matters Theme: The Practice of Inclusion
Offerings for Children, Youth, and Families:

  • Saturday, February 1, Noon-6pm: All About Palestine at the Richmond Convention Center. A free, family-friendly event with music, food, art, speakers, and more. In a time where Palestinian culture is widely misunderstood and under threat of erasure, let’s come together to learn and connect over the beauty of this land and its people! (Donations and masks are encouraged.)
  • Sunday, February 2, 10am: MultiGenerational Child Dedication Service. Reverend Sherman and Leigh Ann Luscan will lead our annual ritual of welcoming new children and families as the congregation makes a commitment to their spiritual care and support. If you have welcomed a child this past year or your child has not been previously dedicated and you would like to participate, please reach out to Leigh Ann Luscan.
  • Wednesday, February 5, 6-6:45pm: Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal. Soulful Supper will be in the Lower Level right after.  
  • Wednesday, February 5, 6-7:30pm: Parents & Caregivers as Sexuality Educators Small Group, Session 6: Sexual Health: Be a Trusted Source.
  • Sunday, February 9, 10-11:15am: FLAME activities for PreK-8th grades in the lower level. Our Soul Matters lessons (PreK-Middle School) will be The Practice of Not Leaving People Out. We will take a walk around our building and see how many ways we can find we are practicing inclusion. Our 7/8th grade OWL group will have their fifteenth workshop, Bullying and Bystander Responsibilities.
  • Sunday, February 9, 11:30am: Family Potluck Lunch! Please pack your own lunch or something simple to share (no nuts, please) and join us in President’s Hall for fun and fellowship.
  • Wednesday, February 12, 6-7pm: Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal. 
  • Sunday, February 16, 10-11:15am: FLAME activities for PreK-8th grades in the lower level. Our Soul Matters lessons (PreK-Middle School) will be The Practice of Not Leaving Love for Ourselves Out. We will hear a story, have crafts, and practice positive affirmations for loving ourselves. Our 7/8th grade OWL group will have their sixteenth workshop, Redefining Abstinence. Our Youth Group will gather during service to help the Young Adults with their fundraiser.
  • Sunday, February 16, 11:30am: Young Adult Valentines Brunch Fundraiser! Come have some pancakes and brunch-y treats to help support our Young Adults’ efforts to get to UUA General Assembly in June!
  • Wednesday, February 19, 6-7pm: Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal. 
  • Wednesday, February 19, 6-7:30pm: Parents & Caregivers as Sexuality Educators Small Group, Session 7: Decision Making: Ready, Set, Let Go!
  • Saturday, February 22, 6-8:30pm: Annual Chili Cook Off! Sign up to bring your best chili or cornbread and compete for the trophy! Stay tuned for details to register.
  • Sunday, February 23, 10-11:15am: FLAME activities for PreK-8th grades in the lower level. Our Soul Matters lessons (PreK-Middle School) will be The Practice of Not Leaving Religion Out. We will play games and have activities around world religions. Our 7/8th grade OWL group will have their seventeenth workshop on Lovemaking.
  • Sunday, February 23, 11:30am-12:30pm: Parents & Caregivers Circle resumes! This group will meet the fourth Sunday of each month for the purpose of supporting each other in raising UU kids in troubling times.
  • Wednesday, February 26, 6-7pm: Youth Music Ensemble Rehearsal. 

On the Horizon Events:

  • Sunday, March 2, 10am: MultiGenerational Service with our Ministerial Intern, Kirstin Fritz!

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