CLICK TO DONATE ONLINE, powered by Vanco.

Membership requires, among other things, a commitment of financial support for the church – as most of the annual budget is provided by donations. Pledging is the process of indicating what you plan to provide in the way of financial support in the coming church year – which starts on July 1. This allows the church staff and the Board of Directors to properly plan the church budget.

Pledges may be satisfied in several ways:

  • Auto Pay for automatic withdrawal from either your checking or savings account. The amount of your Auto Pay may be changed at any time. Simply contact us.
  • Payment(s) by check with “pledge payment” in the memo line
  • Cash payments are accepted, but discouraged as errors can occur and there is no paper trail.

Ways to Give 

Text to Give

We offer a “text to give” option. Simply text the amount you'd like to give with the fund code (Example: $50 PLDGE) to 844-207-5634. The first time you send a text, it will respond with a link where you can set up your giving profile. Once set up, you can use the following codes:
PLDGE: Pledge / General Fund
ENDOW: Endowment Fund
CAPTL: Capital Campaign
SHARE: Share the Plate
To edit your existing Text to Give account, text the word EDIT.

Go to our FirstUU page, powered by Vanco, to make an immediate donation or to commit to ongoing support. If you have given online before, please attempt to log in first. If you do not know your password, use the reset password link. If you instead sign up for a new account, we may have duplicate accounts for you and while we can make it work, the system doesn’t like that very much. If you do not know what email address you used to sign up for your account, email us at


Write a check and mail it to First UU:
First Unitarian Universalist Church
Attn: Bookkeeper
1000 Blanton Ave.
Richmond, VA 23221

A few other reminders:
If you are donating in memory or in honor of someone, select the Endowment Fund and add the name of the person you are honoring in the memo section.

Processing Fees:
If you would like to increase your gift to cover the processing fees that the church incurs, the credit card fee is 2.75% and ACH fee is 1%. Checks are always fee-free!