The following information below encourages the social action and advocacy to improve services and supports for people with developmental disabilities. Some of these programs below also educate and empower family members to assist with independent living and person centered practices.

The Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) advocates for better services and supports. We make sure that people with developmental disabilities (DD) and their families have what they need to live their best lives.

Partners in Policymaking (PIP) is a free program. In this program, people with developmental disabilities (DD) or their family members learn advocacy and leadership skills.

The PIP program is made up of seven sessions. The sessions begin in September and end in April. Each session lasts two days. Sessions start on Friday afternoon and end on Saturday afternoon. The sessions include advocacy training, skill building, expert speakers and much more.

The Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) helps students with developmental or other disabilities gain new skills. These skills help them to grow as a person and as a leader. Students also explore career choices that interest them.

The Va-LEND program is committed to the preparation of professionals, family members and people with disabilities statewide in the field of childhood neurodevelopmental disabilities who will assume leadership roles within health care and disability service systems. The interdisciplinary program provides a 12-24 month curriculum of interactive seminars, clinical and community-based practica, planned grassroots and systems level policy activities, and for most trainees, a family mentorship experience.

PEATC is a statewide nonprofit whose passion is to empower families of children with disabilities in Virginia. Our central focus is on families who are navigating the special education and disability service system.

Here are some other legislative and advocacy resources: