ReproJustice Group’s Conversation With Local Abortion Providers
ReproJustice Group Meets on 3rd Sundays following Service

How to assist and support the protection of reproductive rights in Virginia
1- Talk openly and clearly about your support for ABORTION as a medical procedure. Don’t mince words.
2- Donate money to the Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project Fund or Blue Ridge Abortion Fund for financial assistance for women seeking abortion.
3- Do something sustainable: knit socks for women, write legislators, donate money, make post-abortion care kits (We Do This!!), wear the pro-abortion shirt to the supermarket, etc.
4- If interested in providing housing, consider funding an Airbnb stay or hotel stay. Post-abortion, patients typically want a comfortable, private space.

The Reproductive Justice Committee will attend Planned Parenthood Lobby Day on January 21st, 8:30 to 2:00 PM, advocating for the constitutional amendment needed to codify into law the legal right for any individual in Virginia to have access to abortion.

Questions/ suggestions: