Visit to view your ballot and candidates' position statements. Use as a nonpartisan source to track current legislation, elections, and campaign financing.

Absentee, mail-in & early voting are open to all, no excuse needed!
First Time Voters:

If you’re 18 by Election Day, you can register to vote.
Your vote is crucial for shaping the world you want—don’t waste it!

College students may register to vote using their school or home address:

  • Register using the address you consider your primary residence. A dormitory or college
    address is acceptable, but you may not use a P.O. Box, only a street address.
  • Please contact your school advisors to learn whether your tuition or financial aid would
    be affected if your voter registration address differs from their records!

This is a dark blue rectangle with white letters, 'UU the VOTE' and a light blue chalice with a torch for a flame and three stars as the base.

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UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more. Text "VoteLove" to 866-533-1494 for Updates

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This is a Yellow and blue diagonally striped rectangle with words "100% WE'RE VOTING NOV. 7" and the Virginia Interfaith for Public Policy logo in the lower right hand corner. Logo is a white triangle with yellow and blue swirls.

Since 2023, First UU has partnered with Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) to ensure people are registered, voting, and communicating their values and concerns with their elected leaders and candidates. VICPP is a nonprofit organization. Its civic engagement work is non-partisanVICPP Proposed Legislative Priorities for 2025

Black lettering against a yellow background: Souls to the Polls; voter information; sign up for a ride to the polls; Saturday, October 12; 11am-2pm; First Unitariarian Universalist Church; 1000 Blanton Avenue, Richmond 23221; Free and open to the public; Food!, Music! Games; logo images are the left side of the images: First UU logo; Your vote counts in red blue and pink lettering

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We will honor the sacred privilege of voting by pledging to:

  • Make sure every eligible member is registered to vote.
  • Distribute information about ways to vote.
  • Promote the sacred privilege of voting.
  • Learn about candidates by attending candidate forums and distributing information.
  • Participate in community-wide efforts to register people and get people to the polls.
  • Engage those who are not eligible to vote to participate in civic life and encourage others to vote.

Past activities have included get out the vote phone/text banking, postcards and a “Souls to the Polls” voter information/registration fair. Contact if you would like to get involved.

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